TCS iON Digital Marking Solution

Transform your institution's evaluation process with the TCS iON Digital Marking (iDM) solution. Our simple yet effective solution takes care of all manual tasks such as totaling, validation of maximum marks awarded, ensuring all answers are marked and handling optional sections/questions. This significantly reduces the evaluator's burden and improves the efficiency and speed of the evaluation. Upgrade your institution's evaluation process with the TCS iON Digital Marking solution today!

Key Aspects of TCS iON Digital Marking

Our platform conducts assessments in a transparent and efficient manner. Discover the key aspects of TCS iON Digital Marking.

TCS iON Digital Marking
  • Intelligent Marking

    a. Rule-based assigning of answer books
    b. Alerts for unread pages and unassessed questions/sections
    c. Auto-totaling of scores
    d. Question-wise maximum scores configuration
    e. Step-wise marking

  • Accelerated Marking

    a. Elimination of answer book logistics
    b. Reports and dashboards for continuous tracking of progress
    c. Quick retrieval
    d. Bulk scoring of parent questions

  • Assistive Marking

    a. Annotations and comments
    b. Zoom-in facility for better clarity
    c. Marking scheme for consistency
    d. Broadcast messaging
    e. Summary of final scores for each answer book

  • Flexible Marking

    a. Anytime, anywhere marking
    b. Concurrent marking
    c. Forecast of marking timelines for timely intervention
    d. 'Save as draft' to continue marking the current answer book at a later time

  • Productive Marking

    a. Measure and monitor marker-wise
    b. Marking centre specific reports
    c. Daily answer book marking targets and limits for markers
    d. Mandatory minimum marking duration per answer book
    e. Efficiently manage multiple marking iterations

TCS iON Digital Marking features


Empowering institutions to improve learning outcomes.

Reduce Risks

Reduce Risks

Reduce Risks

TCS iON Digital Marking Solution brings you a secure and efficient evaluation process. No more risks and costs of answer books transportation.

Improve Evaluation Quality

Improve Evaluation Quality

Improve Evaluation Quality

Our digitised and automated process transforms manual evaluation into a transparent, structured, and credible process, creating a better learning environment and improving the quality of evaluation.

Enhance Governance

Enhance Governance

Enhance Governance

Enhance your governance with improved workflows, fewer errors, and timely declaration of results for stakeholders to stay informed on progress and attendance - all at once.

Review of Answer Books

Review of Answer Books

Review of Answer Books

Our Smart Review's pre-configured rules lets you streamline processes, maximise efficiency while ensuring that every answer book is thoroughly reviewed.

Enable Digital Authentication

Digital Authentication

Digital Authentication

We have enabled digital authentication for markers and reviewers to access answer books with face recognition/OTP.

Candidate Anonymity

Candidate Anonymity

Candidate Anonymity

The markers and reviewers are completely transparent as the personal details of the candidates are detached from the answer books and encoded.

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Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences
Kazi Nazrul University
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
Board of Secondary Education, Assam
Goa Board Of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha
HP Board Of School Education


We have answered some of the queries you might have.

TCS iON Digital Marking offers a streamlined, accurate way to evaluate answer scripts quickly and easily. Evaluators no longer need to struggle with tedious manual tasks such as totaling marks or verifying optional questions - the system does it for them! This innovative solution reduces evaluation time and helps evaluators maximise their efficiency so they can focus on what matters most - delivering quality results in less time.
As a part of the end-to-end solution, TCS iON does offer scanning services. However, institutions can opt to perform the scanning themselves. The final pricing will depend on who performs the scanning.
By eliminating candidates' identities from answer books, a coded number is assigned to each answer book. High-resolution scanners scan the paperwork and double-check for quality assurance before uploading them into our data centre servers, so that the markers can begin assessing their work.
The solution provides monitoring tools for the whole process. There is a command centre to track the progress and daily marking status.
With TCS iON, institutions are able to quickly and easily access answer sheets for future use. This makes handling RTI queries much smoother, protecting your organisation's reliability as a fair marker in the process.
TCS iON provides an unmatched level of security and reliability, with two operating data centres running in parallel. If one should fail, the other is ready to seamlessly take its place without any disruption - allowing customers access to their transactional records via Excel format for quick retrieval whenever needed. Technical operations are managed through standard backup procedures outlined on our website, ensuring maximum efficiency and service continuity all around.
Invoicing is done based on the number of answers books to be processed and evaluated.
Please register your interest in the form made available on our webpage. Our education consultants will get in touch with you and share the information based on the scope of requirement.